Teaching & Learning
Our learning approach encourages each individual to develop self-confidence and commitment to achieving to their full potential.
High Impact Teaching Strategies
Our approach to teaching and learning incorporates the DET High Impact Teaching Strategies. The intention of this approach is to ensure all teachers employ effective teaching strategies. We believe that if teachers are effective practitioners students will become literate, numerate and inquiring. We support all students to become literate and numerate by offering explicit instruction in core literacy and numeracy skills. We foster curiosity by immersing students in problem solving, and by providing opportunities for invention and innovation across the curriculum.
More information on the HITSAcross the College, teaching teams engage in collaborative planning and sharing of ideas to provide high quality programs for students. Curriculum programs are current and meticulously audited to meet the State requirements. Programs enable students to engage in learning relevant to their interests and particular talents. Teachers analyse and use student learning data to identify areas for growth, this ensures learning is at each student’s point of need or Zone of Proximal Development.
More information on the Zone of Proximal DevelopmentStudent Wellbeing
Our goal is to support the holistic development of the students in our care. Teachers take collective responsibility for student engagement and behaviour. As a community all staff work within the Ramon Lewis ‘Developmental Approach to Behaviour Management’ and Berry Street Education Model frameworks. A team of wellbeing staff work across the College supporting the community. Individual support is provided to students on an as needs basis, with parent permission.
Charles La Trobe College offers a broad and rich curriculum. Prep to Year 10 students access the Victorian Curriculum. Students in Year 11 and 12 are offered the VCE. In addition to equipping students with core skills in English, Mathematics and Science, we ensure our students have opportunities to apply their knowledge, pose questions and solve problems through inquiry based learning opportunities.
eLearning and ICT
We promote the innovative use of learning technologies across the curriculum, and as part of this offer a 1:1 laptop/Ipad program for all students. The College offers students access to innovative programs and we explicitly teach digital coding to ensure students are prepared for the future world of work.
More information on our eLearning & ICT Program